Finally! After a bit of fannying around with perforated carb-floats, clogged up air filters and fouled spark plugs the beast fired up, and what a sound! The distinct engine note of a twin-cylinder 2-stroke, just beautiful.
Out on the test ride, it became immediately apparent that the 'budget motovlog rig' was not fit for purpose, so apologies for the rubbish footage quality... we will do better next time! Though, the bracket and cover are still very useful for using just phone features such as Sat Nav.
As far as the scooter goes, the chassis seems spot on... brake, tyre, rim and suspension combo works well and inspires confidence. The seat needs scrubbing in a bit as its all shiny and slippy, not good under hard acceleration! lol. Gearing and jetting now need tweaking, as the scooter accelerates rapidly and sounds gorgeous, but soon runs out of steam at the top end.
Changes will now be made, so that we can undertake a longer road test, with various checks and data gathering. For now, its a fun 'back road blaster' but until gearing and jetting are sorted, you wouldn't want to go a long distance on it... yet!